Category Archives: The Accountability Studio

Can AI Help Keep Companies Hiring?

In a world where distance is encouraged, is AI the answer to help move hiring forward? It seems like that question has already been answered. Major corporations like Hilton, AT&T, and Capital One have been building their HR with the assistance of AI technology. One small glance to the left, and it could mean the difference between a hire or a pass. Tara Behrend, Director of the WAVE Lab and Associate Professor of George Washington University, is an expert on this. Listen in now to get the inside track!

Data Breaches Still on the Rise

There is no slowing down in data breaches. That is clear. Businesses have a responsibility to stay informed on the latest trends and news regarding data security. Eva Velasquez, CEO of The Identity Theft Resource Center gives us a birds-eye view of current happenings and what to expect in this new landscape of digital warfare.

The Ad Blocker

Remember the classic cartoon, Tom and Jerry? Consider digital advertisers as Tom and consumers like Jerry. Every time digital marketers think they’ve found the perfect plan to sell consumers on their every desire, Jerry slams the door right on Tom. How? With adblocking! Will this game of cat and mouse end? Well, Neal Thurman, Director of Coalition for Better Ads, gives us the full download of how he feels this chase will continue to evolve (not end). Don’t miss out, it’s a good one!

Hidden Fees Brought to Light

Hidden fees aren’t just a consumer issue – it’s a problem for businesses as well. The inability to play fair or advertise honestly eventually impacts the reputation of a company, and many times, industries as a whole. Anna Laitin, Director of Financial Policy at Consumer Reports, gives us an inside look at how they’re tackling this issue head-on for both businesses’ and consumers’ well being.

Looking Back at CCPA

We’ve sliced and diced the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) into a four-course meal fit for any data king or queen. As a belated Valentine’s Day gift to our loyal listeners, James, our host, serves up the dessert round of our CCPA discussions where he offers some new updates alongside a look back at all we’ve discussed. Enjoy!