Welcome to The Accountability Studio – a monthly podcast that explores the many facets of corporate accountability from child-directed advertising law to data collection practices to international rules and regulations.
With standards, laws, and regulations in a constant state of flux and the pace of innovation accelerating, meeting stakeholder expectations and maintaining trust are persistent challenges. The Accountability Studio brings you commentary and perspectives from experts in ad law and independent self-regulation so that you can stay agile and compliant within the evolving regulatory landscape.

The Accountability Studio
This podcast explores what it means to be an accountable business leader. Join us in thinking beyond typical boundaries to discover what the future of independent, industry self-regulation looks like.
The Latest Episodes
- Protecting Child Influencers
- The Evolution of Advertising in the Children’s Space
- COPPA Questions: Are Safe Harbors Effective?
- Data Privacy Accountability in Practice: A Case Study of Cisco
- What Do CARU’s Revised Guidelines Mean for Advertisers?

The Ad Watchers
Join National Advertising Division attorneys on this podcast as they explore advertising claims and what it means to put them to the truthfulness test.
The Latest Episodes
- A Chat with ICAS: What Are Ad Law’s Global Hot Topics?
- AI is Everywhere: What about advertising?
- Clear and Conspicuous Disclosures: Can You Read the Fine Print?
- The Best Subject In Advertising Law: Is It Puffery?
- Revisiting Consumer Reviews: Incentivized, Inflated, or Authentic?

Privacy Abbreviated
The Privacy Abbreviated podcast helps business leaders operationalize and prepare for what’s next in privacy. From high-level news headlines to the geeky privacy trenches, your hosts are experienced privacy pros and your guides, breaking down what’s happening to deliver only the takeaways you need.