Tag Archives: Privacy Law

The Metaverse Will Blur the Lines Between Physical and Online Privacy

The metaverse is still a bit of a mystery. Though it will soon begin to integrate physical and virtual worlds, no one has the answers as to exactly what that merge will look like.

On this episode of Privacy Abbreviated, hosts Dona and Catherine are joined by Tracy Shapiro, a privacy expert, and partner at Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich, & Rosati. Together, they discuss the many questions related to how virtual reality will force privacy standards to evolve in the coming years. Though no one has concrete answers yet, Tracy offers her predictions on the most likely outcomes.

Listen now to learn what to expect in the metaverse. Will you have more privacy or less?

For more information about this episode, read the show notes here

Episode Show Notes: The Good, the Bad, and the Grey of Targeted Advertising

Show Notes: The Good, the Bad, and the Grey of Targeted Advertising


00:00 – In episode two of Privacy Abbreviated, hosts Dona Fraser, Senior Vice President of Privacy Initiatives at BBB National Programs, and Catherine Dawson, General Counsel and Chief Privacy Officer of Osano, walk listeners through how to target responsibly. Some consumers love the personalization it delivers to their social media feeds, while others are concerned that it’s an invasion of privacy. With their guest, they discuss how to use targeted advertising responsibly, using data to track consumers and display ads for products they have previously shown interest in, and how marketers should prepare for the American Data Protection and Privacy Act.

Continue reading Episode Show Notes: The Good, the Bad, and the Grey of Targeted Advertising

The Good, the Bad, and the Grey of Targeted Advertising

As a consumer, do you see value in targeted advertising or are you creeped out by marketers tracking you across the internet?

In this episode of Privacy Abbreviated, hosts Catherine and Dona are joined by the host of the MarTech Podcast and founder of I Hear Everything, Ben Shapiro. Together, they discuss how small and medium businesses (SMBs) should use targeted advertising without crossing legal boundaries or scaring away customers. Ben offers insight into where he sees the marketing industry headed and how advertisers can prepare for emerging privacy laws. Listen now to learn how to provide continuous value to your audience, how to keep them engaged, and how to keep them coming back for more.

For more information about this episode, read the show notes here

Episode Show Notes: The State of Privacy: How Did We Get Here?

The Accountability Studios formally presents BBB National Programs (BBB NP) and Osano’s new podcast, Privacy Abbreviated—helping business leaders manage and prepare for the future of privacy. In its first episode, hosts Dona Fraser, Senior Vice President of Privacy
Initiatives at BBB National Program, and Catherine Dawson, General Counsel, and Chief Privacy Officer of Osano, introduce themselves and set the stage for their new listeners.

For this episode, they’re joined by distinguished guest Daniel (Dan) Solove, Law Professor at George Washington University and Founder of TeachPrivacy, a company that provides privacy and data security training to businesses, healthcare institutions, universities, and other organizations.
Continue reading Episode Show Notes: The State of Privacy: How Did We Get Here?

The State of Privacy: How Did We Get Here?

Looking back even just five years ago, the privacy landscape looked nothing like it does today – there was no General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), no California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and the demands on businesses were much different.

In the first episode of Privacy Abbreviated, hosts Catherine Dawson and Dona Fraser are joined by Daniel Solove, a law professor at George Washington University and founder of TeachPrivacy, to explain how we got to the landscape we see today and talk about what this means for businesses. They offer insight into the key differences between U.S. and E.U. privacy standards, what legislation is on the horizon, and how to build a strong privacy program that sets businesses up to comply with changes as they come.

For more information about this episode, read the show notes here.