Category Archives: The Accountability Studio

The Past and Future of Privacy Accountability: Is CBPR a Model?

In this episode of The Accountability Studio, Moderator Cobun Zweifel-Keegan, Deputy Director of Privacy Initiatives at BBB National Programs, is joined by two industry professionals for an informative conversation on the cross-border privacy rules (CBPR) system, a voluntary framework with a global impact. BBB National Programs Director of Global Privacy Initiatives Josh Harris,  and Sam Schofield, International Trade Specialist, Global Data Privacy, share their knowledge on the purpose and vision of the multi-layered Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CBPR system.

For more information about this episode, read the show notes here

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

In the inaugural episode of The Accountability Studio, moderator Mary Engle, Executive Vice President, Policy poses a fundamental question to the leadership of BBB National Programs: Does independent, industry self-regulation really work? Program leaders responded with an empathic ‘yes,’ but also laid out the numerous factors that can contribute to the success or failure of a self-regulatory initiative. Tune in to hear them discuss the problems in the marketplace that led to the creation of each of their programs, how their programs work, and what they think the future of independent industry self-regulation will look like.

For more information about this episode, read the show notes here

The Perfect Storm for Privacy and Adtech: How the End of the Cookie Era Will Reshape the Digital Marketplace

Many privacy professionals see the depletion of third-party cookies, paired with several technological, political, and cultural factors, as the perfect storm for privacy and adtech – one that will bring about fundamental changes to the advertising industry and the broader digital marketplace. In this episode, Colin O’Malley, Founder of the Lucid Privacy Group, Christy Harris, Director of Technology & Privacy Research at the Future of Privacy Forum, and Ayaz Minhas, former Data Privacy Manager for BBB National Programs, discuss the challenges and opportunities this ‘perfect storm’ is creating.

Why Teens Need Unique Privacy Protections

As the COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the digital environment, online engagement has increased across user demographics. In this episode, authors of the BBB National Program’s paper Risky Business: The Current State of Teen Privacy in the Android App Marketplace join us to provide insight into the importance of protecting teenage users. Listen in to hear Ayaz Minhas, Data Privacy Manager, Isaac Cronk, Digital Advertising Compliance Specialist, and Cameryn Gonnella, Compliance Manager explain “why now, why teens.”

Time for Revolution in the Direct Selling Industry

When speaking about the importance of the Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council’s (DSSRC) recently published guidelines, President of the Direct Selling Association Joe Mariano said, “It’s time not just for evolution, but revolution.” In this episode, Joe Mariano speaks with Tom Cohn, Interim General Counsel and Corporate Secretary of New Avon, Brian Muir, Vice President and Head of Global Compliance of Nu Skin Enterprises, and John Parker, Chief Sales Officer and Regional President of Amway to discuss how the nature of this fast-changing marketplace has informed the direct selling industry’s approach to self-regulation, how the DSSRC has helped, and the work that lies ahead.