Category Archives: Privacy Abbreviated

The Good, the Bad, and the Grey of Targeted Advertising

As a consumer, do you see value in targeted advertising or are you creeped out by marketers tracking you across the internet?

In this episode of Privacy Abbreviated, hosts Catherine and Dona are joined by the host of the MarTech Podcast and founder of I Hear Everything, Ben Shapiro. Together, they discuss how small and medium businesses (SMBs) should use targeted advertising without crossing legal boundaries or scaring away customers. Ben offers insight into where he sees the marketing industry headed and how advertisers can prepare for emerging privacy laws. Listen now to learn how to provide continuous value to your audience, how to keep them engaged, and how to keep them coming back for more.

For more information about this episode, read the show notes here

The State of Privacy: How Did We Get Here?

Looking back even just five years ago, the privacy landscape looked nothing like it does today – there was no General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), no California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and the demands on businesses were much different.

In the first episode of Privacy Abbreviated, hosts Catherine Dawson and Dona Fraser are joined by Daniel Solove, a law professor at George Washington University and founder of TeachPrivacy, to explain how we got to the landscape we see today and talk about what this means for businesses. They offer insight into the key differences between U.S. and E.U. privacy standards, what legislation is on the horizon, and how to build a strong privacy program that sets businesses up to comply with changes as they come.

For more information about this episode, read the show notes here.

Introducing Privacy Abbreviated: Meet the Hosts

BBB National Programs is pleased to introduce Privacy Abbreviated. Hosted by privacy experts Dona Fraser and Catherine Dawson, this new podcast series will discuss the impact of privacy laws and tech innovation on small and medium-sized companies and what business leaders can do to meet challenges in this evolving landscape.

As we gear up for the first episode, tune in to this sneak peek from the hosts where they outline the topics they plan to explore this season, ranging from the importance of user experience and meaningful consent in the Metaverse to wearables to targeted advertising, and more. Subscribe today so you don’t miss an episode about what’s happening in the privacy world and what to do about it.