Tag Archives: CARU

What Do CARU’s Revised Guidelines Mean for Advertisers?

Despite this generation’s comfort navigating digital spaces today, they still face the same cognitive limitations – and therefore, vulnerabilities – that they always have. This reality is just one of the reasons that BBB National Programs’ Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) recently issued revised guidelines to assure that advertising directed to children is not deceptive, unfair, or inappropriate for its intended audience.

In this episode of the Accountability Studio, Mary Engle, Executive Vice President of Policy at BBB National Programs and Mamie Kresses, Vice President of CARU talk through the most significant revisions to the guidelines and explain what these changes mean for advertisers. Tune in to learn how advertisers can help shrink the gap between a child’s needs online and the safeguards in place to protect them.

For more information about this episode, read the show notes here