Tag Archives: Advertising Law

Episode Show Notes: So, Who’s Making These Advertising Rules?

Accountability Studios presents Ad Watchers—a unique podcast series brought to you by the National Advertising Division (NAD) of BBB National Programs. This podcast series provides listeners with behind-the-scenes access and insights into the nitty-gritty of advertising law. In its inaugural episode, hosts Hal Hodes and La Toya Sutton talk about the importance of consumer understanding.

The conversation begins with the dynamic duo teasing up the types of conversations listeners can expect to hear, defining their target listener, and highlighting their goals for the podcast series. As La Toya stated, ultimately, they “want to help the listener know what to do, and what to look for to ensure that their advertising is truthful and substantiated.”

In this episode, Hal and La Toya also answer the question, “who makes the rules.” They start by clarifying that NAD does not contribute to the rule-making process. Instead, they help apply the rules formulated by federal organizations and agencies like the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and similar entities.

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